Tuesday, August 01, 2006

My new brain exercise

In the last couple of weeks I have discovered Sudoku which exercises the brain. I now usually play at least one puzzle a day. Even my daughter has gotten into it which I think would be good for the long run. See this link for the reason why. After playing a couple of my wife's puzzles I went a little crazy before the trip and bought a lot of puzzle books, which is keeping Paula busy. I discovered websudoku which it my personal preference but she doesn't like it because she can't do her process of elimination. Forgot to mention. On Websudoku, the other thing she doesn't like is you have a "how I'm doing" button which to her is grand scale cheating. For me, it's desparation if you don't want to guess.

In other news, I got a major division game this Sunday and am in the process of getting an assessment. Hopefully this one will go well. If it does, it will make the hunt for an AR assessment easier for I will have more time to do that one.

1 comment:

jenna... said...

Since I'm at the tail end of Luxor - level 12 (love this game) I may try it. :)