Monday, April 02, 2007

Broke the Red Card Streak

And it was about time. I was getting sick of those send off reports. Mind you there were a couple of yellows and it took most of my personality to keep one of them in the match. That and it took took even more skill to keep one player from doing something stupid as it turned out he got off of a red card suspension....because of me. Their captian decided to inform me he would write a letter regarding my performance. Hope he spells my name right. I hate it when the screw up the spelling. Anyway he confronted me after the game regarding the caution. He thought it was for dissent. It was for delay of game, but I also told him his constant bitching didn't help his case.
Doing my next game I was AR. The white captain complained about an offside I called. And I informed him he was there the whole frigging (yes exact words) time. He told me to watch my language. Frigging? Dude! If he was overly sensitive on that one, then to stay away from me after the game. He hasn't heard anything yet.
Ended the day with a beer, pizza (been eating too much of that), and a winning game of poker.

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