Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ramblings of Tuesday, Sept 5th

I already know today is just going to play catch up and so far I seem to have it done already. Okay it's confirmed. I'm caught up. No soccer today, this afternoon is light. I have made a pact with myself I'm going to swear off alcohol with the exception of special occasions. You know, weddings, funerals, birthdays, parties in general. I don't party like normal.
But I need to get back in training mode and I can't do that if I have the need to crack open a beer when I get home. So I got it out of my system on labor day.

My thought in getting back in shape should be simple. My own little Triathlon.

3000 push ups
3000 sit ups or crunches
3000 miles of cardio whether it be running, elliptical machine, walking, biking.

Just haven't given a time crunch for this. I was thinking 3 months.


Okay I just did the math and while it may work for push ups and sit up, I would be setting myself up for failure on the cardio. So let's rework this.

3000 Push ups
3000 Sit ups
500 miles of cardio

All of this done by December 5th. Wish me luck.


Well it looks like Matterazi broke the silence on what was said on the pitch to Zidane. And it turns out his sister was insulted. Still Zidane should have kept his cool. He could have been that one kick that kept the score 5-5 and going on to their 6th set of players. But now we'll never know.

I just discovered that there is a problem when it comes to commenting because I'm in beta and over half my blogging bud's are not, I can't comment on their blogs. So if you were to comment, but can't, you might want to sign as anonymous.

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