I few days earlier, my friend and mentor asked me for my mailing address. I was intrigued, but I figured there was a new event out of state or a league. Yesterday I found a package in my mailbox addressed to me, from my friend's town of residence. Now I am really curious. I open it and I find a two paged note on top. I have been inducted into a fraternity called the W.C.Y.W.S (West Coast Yellow Whistle Society). If I didn't know better I thought he was completely serious. The letter was so official, it was hard not to take it serious, but at the same time, you were chuckling at the same time. Since I am at work I forgot the letter. I was going to scan and OCR it so I can paste what it said. So I'm just going to summarize. Only a few (8 members) are in this fraternity. This is because our achievements in refereeing. I thought this was real in the sense because I am upgrading to a Grade 5. Well I saw the list of "brothers" and I know that isn't the case, but truth is it put a smile on my face.
So...the rules of the W.C.Y.W.S (I scanned and OCRed)
CONGRATULATIONS, you have been selected as a charter member of
this exclusive fraternity. YOU were selected as a member, not only
because of your dedication to the most popular sport in the world, but
also because you have fulfilled the expectations of your closest friends.
Your dedication and involvement has helped you climb the ladder of
higher recognition. You are no longer performing the minimal duties of a
beginning Referee. But you have excelled as a Referee who desires to
perform at his best ability. You started in the youth program and have
advanced to the Amateur Divisions, High School and College programs.
You have excelled I!
As part of your on-going recognition, you have been bestowed the
position of Charter Member, of this 'Dark Side' Fraternity, BE PROUD !I
BUT, this also beings additional responsibilities. You must follow these
guidelines. If you do not, the Society will strip you of your 'charter
member' status. You will no longer be invited to participate with the
'crew'. And, you will not be recognized for future programs involving the
Society .
First, you must use the YELLOW whistle only when you wear the 60LD
referee jersey. YOU must also use the BLUE whistle with the BLUE
referee jersey and the RED whistle with the RED jersey.
Second, you must support your fellow brothers in their efforts to
officiate as a Referee or Asst. Referee. Remembering that, according
To 'Law 5, the decision of the Referee is the correct decision based on
hidher angle of view. If the Referee is close to play and viewing play,
he/she has the best view to make the decision. If the A/R is in that
position,, the Referee should support the A/R decision, if so director
in the pre-game discussion.
Third, when at a tournament, the Charter Member who first gives a
'Red Card', including 2 yellows (hard or soft), will purchase the first
round of drinks that evening at dinner for all members of the Society.
Fourth, at that same tournament, if the a Charter Member gives more
then one 'Red Card', that member will purchase a round of 'coffee or
tea' for all the members. Now, we get home safe and are able to be on
the field at 8:00 AM the next morning without 'morning sickness'.
If you have any questions, you can find the answers in the current
edition of "Advice to Referees". OR, ask another Oark Side member.
You will be sure that he will tell you 'all he knows' about the subject.
BUT, do not ask a 'player', his opinion has been distorted and does not
meet the intent of the law, as WE interpret it.
REMEMBER - According to Law 5, "In the opinion of the Referee".
We will live and/or die on that fact I!!
Charter Membership includes:
For the love of the game I
The Membership Committee
P.S. -
The Society will be glad to replace your whistle if it becomes
permanently miss-located. All you need to do is justify your continuing
membership, and adherence to the guidelines to the current committee
Chairman. The 'Chair' will replace your lost item.
For your information, we also have a 'Mid-West' Chapter, so
please support that membership.
The Membership Committee
P.S. -
The Society will be glad to replace your whistle if it becomes
permanently miss-located. All you need to do is justify your continuing
membership, and adherence to the guidelines to the current committee
Chairman. The 'Chair' will replace your lost item.
For your information, we also have a 'Mid-West' Chapter, so
please support that membership.
1 comment:
You are too funny. How are you? I am doing well. Its been a long time. I can't use messenger at work and I am starting to cut me personal internet time down too. Things are going well. Raiyna, my daugther lives with me now. She just moved in last month. I have been waiting for this for a every long time. Ramiro and I are still together and are getting better and closer every day. How is your family? How is your wife...
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