I'm still waiting for some inlink to whether I passed or not. Last time I had to wait like this was pure torture. It will be the difference between full speed ahead or feel like when I was doing hurdles in high school and took a spill bigtime.
Second issue of the moment is waiting for Dublin's league to get information out to the coaches on what players we got this year. Of course my daughter and her friend are going to be on the same team because of my friend and I who will be coaching. There is supposedly a coaches meeting tonight, but I have not heard anything directly mean it always starts with "I think...." Nothing on their web page. There is a board meeting I plan to sit at. I have a couple of things with the way the classes ran and the fact nobody has done any scheduling for the tournament at the end of the month. Of course I won't be able to do Saturday due to a CPSA match that night. I'm hoping I'm not on the SFSFL list for the following Sunday so I can do games for them on Sunday. I'm keeping an eye out.
11:21pm I just got wind that the game I was scheduled to be assessed on was cancelled. I now have to see if my other AR game can get an assessor on it. Paula's pissed and rightfully so. Not so much for sympathy for me, but for the family and my missing another family event due to a screw up. Still have heard nothing regarding last Sunday's match. Talked to Van and he said I would have to really screw up to lose this assessment. Seems like everyone has confidence on my game except for the man who's opinion I have to rely on the most.
1 comment:
GC, now this is great. Got here from yahoo 360, see that you are still working on your assesments.
I like your soccer stories and hope you continue to post them. This blog entry does not a title, like "lost in space" or "full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes".
You have a very understanding family. Look forward to running into you on the field one of these days again - but gosh you have launch yourself way above me!
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