Friday, August 04, 2006

Laser Tag today

Yes you read it right. Today we have a company sponsored event where our "team building" session will be settle with laser tag. It's at a place I have never heard of before in mountain view. Only sucky thing I can see is I'm leaving even later which mean traffic is going to be a bitch. Wonder what to do for dinner tonight. After a couple of days at home, things again change. I find I have a queue dedicated to me...well sort of. The initials are GP. Will put a pic on when I get it. It actually stand for something else which I can't divulge into too much into. It will cost you a Sam's.

Being sick did have it's advantages. I lost some weight. Which is good since I have been off track on the CK plan. I'm only 2 pounds over what I should be. Funny part is I stepped away from the scale for the first time since my journey for a month. I thought I would fail miserably. Turned out I came ahead. I mean I ate when I was sick, but my appetite wasn't huge. However the pounds I have to carry this Sunday is not too big a concern and checking myself in the mirror I wasn't too disappointed either this morning. Just a couple of places I would like to improve.

Don't ever trim your beard and then try to blend it with your hair with your glasses or contact out. It will not look good. I think I might get my haircut tomorrow. It's due anyway and she might be able to fix the mess I made.

I've found with the new camera a few things. You don't always want to use auto flash. Taking shots of Marlena as she was ice skating, it was better to turn off the flash then to leave it on. In dark areas, when shooting at light like my display board for calls in the queue, leave the auto flash off. The pictures I take are in higher quality, but take up more disk space. This means I could only fill the month of June on a CD when taking pictures. This means I'm going to have to reconsider my archiving methods. I took an HP online course on beyond point and shoot, which has taught me a few tricks. I was just getting the hang of performing action shots with Marlena free skating and boom, she takes a fall and bumps her noggin. No concussion, but I have noticed she has toughened up the last year and bounces back. Yes she has a sense of danger, but at 3 she wanted to climb one of those rock climbing models.

Happy Friday. And for those who think beauty pageants are boring check this out.
Miss Universe Pageant - Miss France Headbutts Miss Italy

10:35pm. Laser tag was fun. I took the sniper stance which made it real easy to pick off players.

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