Sunday, July 22, 2007

What do you get...

...when you have a coaching instructor and referee instructor sitting on a park bench together? Insight. I attended a coaching clinic. The first time I have ever done so. I have coached teams before but I have never been trained as a coach. Kamel was the instructor.

When I first met Kamal, I was refereeing his JV team. He introduced himself to me and asked for my name. I gave it to him while shaking his hand. He asked me to write it in his book. I did, thinking what is the harm. Then he asked me for his number and that was when my alarm went off. I politely said, "I'm sorry, I make it a policy not to give out my number to coaches."

So over the next few years we would cross paths over and over. I saw what he does for the Dublin league and grew a lot of respect for him. Not many coaches get that from me from a referee standpoint.

So yesterday I attended his clinic and really got to see the other side. I tell you I learned so much that I wish I had done this sooner. I wasted 2 years with my daughter as a result of my inaction.

So at the end of the class, Kamel and I were chatting and found out he was interested in getting his Grade 8 license back. He got his in 1999, but hasn't re-registered. Therefore, he had to take the entire course. I hope if he does, I'm blessed to have him as my student. I sure was blessed to be his yesterday.

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