Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Update on Refereeing and health

I saw a sports medicine specialist yesterday. Let me tell you, it took a good chunk of my afternoon, most of it was waiting and constant calls to my wife for a status report because the entire family had a busy evening ahead of us.

So for a 2;30 appointment it was almost 3pm that I finally saw someone. Not a good first impression, but at least he got better. Allowed me to take my time explaining the series of events that led to where I am now. I was informed that the achillies tendonitus may take up to a year to heal. My groin strain doesn't seem so bad in the grand scheme of things. However, it may seal the window of time that it would take to get my 5, however if certain people are true to their word, it may be a minor bump and I would have to wear the badge of shame for a short while.

Funny how that works. Last night I was introduced to a Dublin Grade 8 class. He introduced my credentials and one of the cool parts is I am the highest ranking referee in the city of Dublin. It was bittersweet as I know I am in danger of losing that rank and being forced into either retirement (Emeritus or Grade 8).

The class...very sharp group. Covered a lot of material in a short time span. Need to be prepared to do a thorough review. On the upside, I can show two DVD's for good time fillers. Looks like I was correct to get that material in my hands soon.

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