Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Never a dull moment in poker

During the US port law drought, I have had to use other means to play. I have discovered Poker Academy through a post at homepokertourney.com. For the most part it has great reviews, but I wasn't willing to spend 120 bucks for it. I did discover they had a standard version which I decided to download a couple weeks back. I'm glad I did.
I did try the Pro version and after dabbling with the two, it turns out I wasn't going to miss the Pro features. So for 19.95 I downloaded and paid for the standard. It has nice bots which has different charactoristics. I have made my homegame simulations based on my games.
If that wasn't enough, they have PA online where you get to play for play money. Now on the surface that would seem boring if you have played with play money, but later graduated for real money accounts. This one is different though. Let me count the ways.

  1. You are playing with like minded players who are trying to improve their game. Yes you have your guys who are stupid enough to go all-in with 7-2 unsuited, but they are far few.
  2. In the poker sites like PokerStars, Pokerroom, or PartyPoker, you automatically get 1000 of play money. You can refill as much as you want, although PokerStars has improved on this. PA has it that you have to earn PAX (PA money). You can't sit in a ring game or sit n go on the fly? You have to start with the freerolls and earn your PAX that way. Once you earn some, you can play the other games.
  3. Just because you can earn money in Freerolls, doesn't mean you can stay in freerolls. That's right folks, they have a cap on your PAX. Once you earn 50 PAX or more, you are kicked out of the freerolls until your balance goes below 50. Are you beginning to understand why I am having so much fun?

Now again it doesn't mean you have WTF moments? Take last night for instance. I was playing in a freeroll (getting close to the 50PAX cap). Out of 21 players I placed 2nd. When it was down to 4 of us, we were a bit looser with our all ins. I did go all in on a low pocket pair. Was called with an A-5. He caught his ace on the flop and I was chasing my card. Still had money to do damage. I went all in and I had an AQ while he had pocket 5's. All I had to do was catch an Ace or Queen. I didn't. Now I was 200 left. Blinds were so high that I was forced all in on a 10-5 unsuited. Caught my 10 with a KK on the board. Managed to triple my winnings. On my next hand I had a Q-8 but I didn't want to go in so I folded. Then the next hand was one for the books. I had the button with 200 and change (they had antes in this game). The 3 other players decided to go ALL-in. Seeing the possibility of at least placing 3rd instead of 4th, I decided to fold. Well the man with the monster chip lead won that hand and I took second with 200 and change.

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