Monday, February 26, 2007

Busy Saturday, spent sunday recovering.

My Saturday started with a trip to San Bruno to attend a soccer clinic for Referees. I got to listen to Chris Strickland speak and he provided very good insight on how much more involve an Assistant Referee can get to help control the game. It was good because I can reflect back to the days where I would at times, withdraw from supporting the referee when I could get a lot of flack and no protection from the center. And there were times I would get involved and hope the center had my back.

Moral of the story: Centers take care of your ARs and your ARs will take care of you. Especially when they make a call to save your butt.

Then we had Abe Rameriz give us a testing tool on what to do with a certain play. Call a foul, yellow card, red card, no card, no foul. I did okay. There were quite a few disagreements.

After the clinic I went home and prepped for the poker party. Had 13 players. Took first which has me 4/5 games where I have won. The good about that? My bankroll has increased. Bad news is people may not ever want to come back because I tend to win most of my games (the one I did lose, I took 2nd place). At first it was just my friend Rudy complaining. Then another, and then another.
Most people stayed for the loser table and when it was announced that I won I kind of heard groans. Kind of made me wish I broke even or even busted out. There were many times I thought I was going to bust out, though I was confident I was going to the final table. It went down to a final table of 7 and two guys, who are both friends, were on life support.
As it went down to 5, things got interesting. I thought I was dead when I went all in with pocket 6's and ran into pocket Q's But I had more chips. But I got him back when i went for a 3 way all in with doug and Marty. I caught a straight and sent him packing. Then Mark and I did a dance for a while, but then I managed to over come him, and then Marty. Then Jeff, who has been the silent sleeper decides to go heads up with me. He picked the wrong time to say all in because I had pocket kings with a king that hit the flop. Needless to say he was down to change and he decided to concede.

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