I open the post by announcing the end of the U8 Cheetah girl's season. No, it wasn't like U6 where we dominated most games, but for the ones we took in with no soccer playing experience and developed them into playing machines. Hopefully we get the same teams. We ended with great coaches gift as we got rolling duffel bags. I mean these were awesome and it has "Coach Giancarlo" on it. How cool is that?
At night we had my quarterly texas holdem tournament. Was hoping for 16 players but with 2 last minute bail outs and one last minute add on, we had 15 players which made it so we could have 4 places. We also had a loser table which made it so one more person could walk away with profits. Well I opened the first hand on my table with an all-in after I raised. I was looking to just take the pot that was already out there. Marty raised me. Basically a big mistake, because I decided to go all-in. Pablo called me and everyone else folded so one person was going to be eliminated. Cards are turned and I have pocket Aces. Pablo has pocket Jacks. What this means is the best chance for Pablo was to get another Jack without me getting an Ace. Neither one of us hit our cards so I won by default and Pablo lasted 25 seconds according to him. It left me in a good spot because all I did was snipe the rest of the game. When the table was consolidated, Denny had major chips as well as my cousin Danny. I was beginning to think I was short stacked. I managed to slow play my way up to a point where I was a threat again. Long story short, I took out Denny and a few hands later I took out Dan.
Today I had an U17 Boys match. Last game of the season. it was Dublin and Livermore. I knew they were going to play hard being the last game of the season and I had a feeling that they didn't think the red cards would follow them into Association Cup or the following season. For the first 10 minutes they were feeling each other out. Probably feeling me out, but I did call some fouls and already started to talk to Dublin regarding shirt pulls. In the 15th minute, two challenge for the ball. Ball is passed ahead to a Dublin player and then a Dublin player off the ball pushes a Livermore player down to make sure he doesn't get up. Which was a real stupid play because Dublin had a nice break away. I called it back and issued the first caution of the match. I was hoping that would give them the clue, I was not going to put up with any nonsense. I was wrong. 4 minutes later I had a Livermore player go in for a tackle from behind with the studs up, hitting the back of the leg. My red card was out before the Dublin player could say "ouch!" I was hoping that would send a message. I hear this old farts saying, "You need to get something back for the card." I was hoping to get a better behaved game. Well for the most part I got that from Livermore. I only booked a couple more players on their side for delayed restart and taunting. Dublin I had to issue cards in spades. A little delayed restart here, a UB there, and a Dissent here. The coach of Dublin was good to pull them out when I book them. I did even the teams in the second half when I sent a Dublin player off for a DOGSO and called a PK. When I approached him after calling the PK, he looked up and said, "Sorry." before I could get my red card out. He didn't dispute it. Neither did the others. Keeper asked me if it was for the tackling from behind. I said, "No. It was for DOGSO because the fact he was in the goal area when it happened and there was nobody between the attacker and the goal except you." Keeper accepted it graciously. After that I had a taunting, a few delayed restarts where the ball was kicked away after the call, and a player who picked up the ball after the foul to keep the other team from restarting. After the 8th caution the last 15 minutes were good and I had both behaving themselves. I usually don't listen to people after the game, but I use it sometimes to grade my performance. Both teams I got excellent game from both sides. Coaches didn't say anything negative. I had numerous spectators say it was a tough, but fair game.
GC, 8 cautions and 2 sendoffs. I had only 2 cautions on the Livermore/DVSC match. Why was this so messy?
Fremont had no ejections on the last weekend of D1 play in Fremont.
You do open the question of "How do you get feedback as a refere?" This is one of my favorite referee questions. Coaches and fans have a view which often is not helpful to a referee. Other referees are often bashful to say. Mentors and assessors are not always available and often not there at the right time to mentor.
See you around the post season play.
Well the truth is, while I take what is said with a grain of salt, you can still use them to see if they felt they got a fair shake in the match. My view of their answer follows:
Spectators: Despite the number of cards, I didn't hear one "C'mon ref. from the side lines." Of course the wind factor may have drowned the voices out. But I didn't get a spectator come to me and say I did a bad job of any sort. In fact without knowing which team I was dealing with, several came and said it was a tough game and I did call it fair.
Conclusion: Spectators felt they had a fair shake.
At the end of the match during the handshake (which I was reluctantly sticking around) I had several players on both sides say excellent game. Now I wouldn't call 8 yellows and 2 reds excellent, but I wasn't letting anyone get away with anything.
Conclusion: Both teams felt they got a fair shake.
The Dublin coaches shook my hand but were not talkative. The Livermore coach said nothing, but shook my hand.
Conclusion: The just didn't want to get into it and if there was one person who was pissed at me, it was the Livermore coach. Of course we had a pissing contest because one of them brought the wrong color uniform. He wanted to change out shirts which I said was out of the question.
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